"Winning the Dutch Championship more surprising than Jumping Amsterdam"
Obviously, the past year didn’t bring us many moments to cheer. Nevertheless, Marc and Sterrehof’s Dante N.O.P. managed to win twice during the few top shows that were held in the Netherlands. In January they won the FEI World Cup of Amsterdam and in August the Dutch Championship in Kronenberg. Both victories were great but which gave the most joy? Marc: “Maybe this time it was extra special to become Dutch champion after such a long period without competition. In Amsterdam I knew from the period before that Dante was in shape, but at the nationals I didn’t know. However, it went beyond expectations well and that made it a bigger surprise to win.”

Dutch champions 2020
Top 30
Despite these special moments, Marc speaks of a ‘lost year’ for the sport. “I was lucky that, partly thanks to the victory in Amsterdam, I was among the top 30 in the world and able to start at the shows in Saint-Tropez during the outdoor season. That way I could keep going on until mid-October, but then it all came to a standstill again.”
Focus on 2021
The focus is now on 2021. Sterrehof’s Dante N.O.P., Sterrehof’s Calimero and Sterrehof’s Edinus are ready to return to competition. If all goes according to plan they will start half January. Marc: “Then I would like to participate at the 2* in Opglabbeek. The week after we’ve planned the 4* in Salzburg, at the end of February two weeks in Doha and then I hope for The Dutch Masters in March. It remains very difficult to plan everything. I will be in a team for the Global Champions League, so if that continues, I want to participate in the first Global Tours to get the horses going again at five-star level during the outdoor season.”
Certainty in uncertain times
Despite all the uncertainty this corona crisis brings, Marc has the certainty that he is supported by Sterrehof Stud. A pleasant situation, he emphasizes. “It’s great to have people who stand behind you. Especially in a year like this.”